Elisa Theriana, a nerdy computer programmer from Bandung, Indonesia, embarked on her haiku journey in 2018. She loves dogs, pizza and chocolate, in that particular order.
Fb/Ig/ twitter : ElisaTheriana
Fb/Ig/ twitter : ElisaTheriana
Richa Sharma resides in Delhi NCR, India. She loves reading and writing poetry in her leisure time. Since 2019, her work has appeared in numerous online and print journals dedicated to Japanese short-form poetry like Frogpond, the cherita, Presence, Akitsu Quarterly, Modern Haiku, Whiptail Journal, Kingfisher, Failed Haiku, Drifting Sands Haibun, Under The Basho, Bones, Seashores, Wales Haiku Journal, #FemkuMag, Nick Virgilio Haiku Association, and others. Her work has also been selected as Honorable Mentions in Vancouver Cherry Blossom Festival Haiku Invitational 2021, Africa Haiku Prize 2021, 3rd Star Haiku Contest, Japan Fair 2022, and Heliosparrow Poetry Journal's Semagrams Contest 2022.
Debbie Strange (Canada) is a chronically ill short-form poet, haiga artist, and photographer whose creative passions connect her more closely to the world and to herself. Debbie's work has been translated, anthologized, and widely published internationally. Her most recent book, The Language of Loss: Haiku & Tanka Conversations, won the Sable Books 2019 International Women's Haiku Contest and Haiku Canada's 2022 Marianne Bluger Chapbook Award. It also received an Honourable Mention in the Haiku Society of America's 2021 Merit Book Awards. Please visit her publication archive at: https://debbiemstrange.blogspot.com/ and follow her on Twitter @Debbie_Strange and Instagram @debbiemstrange.