Four Quilts
by 佐藤 久美子 Sato Kumiko
by 佐藤 久美子 Sato Kumiko
Metropolitan Subway
There are many stories on the back streets of New York, and urban life is as intricate as a subway system.
GENJIKOU Ⅰ/Genji Monogatari 27
源氏物語27帖篝火をテーマとした作品です。源氏香文様を取り入れました。2021年11月 国立新美術館開催21世紀アートボーダレス展 キルトコンテンポラリー部門最優秀賞.
This is a work around the theme of bonfires, and I incorporated the Genji incense pattern. In November 2021, The National Art Center in Tokyo held the 21st-Century Art Borderless Exhibition. This quilt won the Contemporary Quilt Grand Prize.
This is a work around the theme of bonfires, and I incorporated the Genji incense pattern. In November 2021, The National Art Center in Tokyo held the 21st-Century Art Borderless Exhibition. This quilt won the Contemporary Quilt Grand Prize.
Why do you quilt?
I started making quilts more than thirty years ago. Then, I got married and my world changed, centering around my home life. Quilting is one of the things that I turn to when I’m happy and during times of trouble. I get pleasure from the quilting itself, but also from the inspiration I receive from the cloth. It gives me self-confidence, courage, and even friends.
What does quilting mean to you?
Quilting is a way for me to see how far I can challenge myself. It gives me the motivation to look deep into my own heart and at all things. It gives me the courage to act alone, and it provides a means to show my gratitude to the various environments that inspire me. I want to quilt for as long as I live.
I started making quilts more than thirty years ago. Then, I got married and my world changed, centering around my home life. Quilting is one of the things that I turn to when I’m happy and during times of trouble. I get pleasure from the quilting itself, but also from the inspiration I receive from the cloth. It gives me self-confidence, courage, and even friends.
What does quilting mean to you?
Quilting is a way for me to see how far I can challenge myself. It gives me the motivation to look deep into my own heart and at all things. It gives me the courage to act alone, and it provides a means to show my gratitude to the various environments that inspire me. I want to quilt for as long as I live.
Water Lillies
Satsukiyami, May Darkness