Kaidankai Contributors
Day 1: The Enso Linda A. Gould is the host of Kaidankai and editor of White Enso. She is an on-again, off-again writer of fiction, non-fiction, science fiction and ghost stories. Facebook: Japanese Ghost Stories, Twitter: @Ghost Japan and @WhiteEnso Day 2: Five Hours Past & Meowing Unheard B.A. Mullin, known as BAM by many, understands the spirit realm due to exhaustion. BAM's a Ph.D. student and researcher at Temple in Osaka, Japan, a full-time teacher, and he's the compiler of the 42 Stories Anthology managing a team of editors and critique partners. While trying to get academic work published, and juggling other roles, he's additionally working on getting a novel transitioned into a manga and corresponds with an illustrator and scriptwriter. Social media: Website www.bamwrites.com, Facebook www.fb.com/bamwrites, Instagram @bam_writes, Twitter @bamwries. Day 3: The Bright Things Joshua St. Claire is a certified public accountant who works as a financial controller for a small company in Pennsylvania, USA. He is married and the father of three growing boys. His poetry is published by or forthcoming from Star*Line , Scifaikuest, The Flying Saucer Poetry Review, The Starlight Scifaiku Review, Failed Haiku: a Journal of English Senryu, and Wales Haiku Journal. Day 4: Kamata Matahachi See day 1 for Linda A. Gould's bio. |
Day 5: The Betrothed
Steve Carr, from Richmond, Virginia, has had over 540 short stories published internationally in print and online magazines, literary journals, reviews and anthologies since June, 2016. He has had seven collections of his short stories published. His paranormal/horror novel Redbird was released in November, 2019. He has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize twice
Day 6: The Dumb Supper
Sai Chi is a freelance writer living in the southern part of the United States. She has a cat named Ivan and makes storytelling-related content on the internet.
Instagram: @saichistories https://www.instagram.com/saichistories/
YouTube: Sai Chi
Day 7: Teke-Teke
Jen Forte is a freelance writer from the southern United States. She has also lived in London and spent time in Tokyo. Her cat's name is Albert Camus. Follow Jennifer at https://www.instagram.com/jenfortestories/.
Handle: @jenfortestories
Day 8: The Haunted House
Matthew J. Olson has published three collections of short stories and five novels. He lives in Kansas with his wife and three kids: Jynx, a Siamese; Milo, a Jack Russell Terrier; and Zailey, a Blue Heeler. Creativity is Matthew's passion; words on a page or lines of code in a program/webpage are the same to him. He just hopes that other people enjoy his creations! Website: olson777.com. Twitter: @matthewjonolson
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/matthewjolsonauthor/
Day 9: Homeward Bound
Leon Taylor teaches economics at a university in Almaty, Kazakhstan. He has written fiction for the 96th of October, Schlock!, Sanitarium, Space and Time, 365tomorrows, and other magazines. He maintains a blog at [email protected] .
Day 10: The Ueno Park Incident
Anne Hansell is a third generation Japanese-American, and on her mother’s side, she's related to General Mitsunari Ishida who lost the Battle of Sekigahara to Tokugawa. She's written many short stories since she was a child, and is a member of California Writers’ Club and Online Writing Workshop for SF, Fantasy and Horror. While visiting relatives in Tokyo, she visited Ueno Park. Later her uncle informed her of its notorious reputation as a haunted place. She lives with her husband (a New England gentleman) in Southern California.
Day 11: This author's story disappeared into thin air.
Day 12: This author's story disappeared into thin air.
Day 13: Sightseeing in Punta Arenas
Lily Marie West was brought up in the UK, but left to go overland to India as soon as she graduated from university. She has now lived two thirds of her life in Japan, working as a translator and university teacher. She made sure she had long holidays so that she could continue her travels regularly. In 2016, when she visited Equatorial Guinea, she achieved her life goal of visiting every UN member country. Now she somewhat regretfully enjoys a quieter life.
Day 14: Under the Sea
See August 1st for Linda Gould's bio
Day 15: The Root Cellar, The Summer Camp, Perrydell's Hayride
Jill Trade is married and the mother of three active boys, so she spends a lot of time at playgrounds imagining poetry, which she said she recently rediscovered. Her background includes training in meat cutting, which may influence her imagination.
Day 16: Books, Shadows, and Immortality
Joe Kirkenir lives in York, PA with his cat, Victor, who is named after the complex main character from the classic novel, Frankenstein. He graduated from Gettysburg College with an English degree in 2014 and has worked in the nonprofit sector in fundraising and marketing ever since. When not volunteering with the Animal Advocates of South Central PA or the local chapter of the Association of Fundraising Professionals, he spends his free time reading, writing, learning, and running.
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100006667157084LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/joseph-kirkenir-ab262336/
Day 17: A Rose in the Garden
J. L. Short lives with his family near Philadelphia and as near as he can tell there are no ghosts in his house. On the other hand, there is an abundance of very live animals. This story is adapted from his novel Invisible. When he is not writing, he teaches history.
Day 18: Penance
Ed Ahern resumed writing after forty odd years in foreign intelligence and international sales. He’s had over three hundred stories and poems published so far, and six books. Ed works the other side of writing at Bewildering Stories, where he sits on the review board and manages a posse of six review editors.
Day 19: Undead Soldier
Linda Sparks, author and poet, has published 19 books and been published in numerous anthologies. She served as Editor for Valkyrie Magazine. Her favorite genres are horror and science fiction. Her book titles include: The Goblin Hour, The Scent of Ghosts and Magic, and The Ghosts of Space. The Hour of the Witch will soon be published. Facebook: Linda Sparks Author. Her Amazon author page: https://www:amazon.com/Linda-Sparks/e/B06XYTYPXY.
Day 20: Less Than a Ghost
Aprile Nakamura is a 20-year resident of the US. This is her first story where she writes in English about her Japanese culture.
Day 21: Sally's Saloon
Hugh Allison’s poems have been published in Departure Mirror, Poetry Plus Magazine, Riverbed Review, and Sundamaged. His short stories include “Growing Up with the Kindnarians” published in the anthology “All the Small Things” (Big Things Publishing), “Vacuous” published in the e-book “Hollow World: Vacuous” (Bamboo Forest Press), “The Last Days of Kaboom Kendall” to be published later this year in the anthology “Sheer: A Dark Fantasy Anthology” (Aesthetic Press), and pieces for Cerasus, Nailpolish Stories, and Short Story Town. He lives in London, England, where he eats too much cheese and dreams of building his own haunt.
Day 22: God of the Kiln
A Southerner by birth and a Yankee by choice, Eric J. Francis has been dabbling in fiction writing for a couple of decades. "God of the Kiln" was his first published story, appearing in the anthology Arcane in 2011. A professional writer and editor, an amateur board game designer, and a hobby beekeeper, Eric lives outside of Boston.
Day 23: Haiku, Poetry and Flash Fiction
Michael Dylan Welch has been investigating haiku since 1976, and has published his haiku, tanka, longer poems, essays, and reviews in hundreds of journals and anthologies in more than 20 languages. He runs National Haiku Writing Month (www.nahaiwrimo.com) and his website, devoted mostly to poetry, at www.graceguts.com. On Twitter he's @CaptainHaiku, and he's also on Facebook.
This author's poem disappeared into thin air.
Lois C. Henderson has lived on the banks of the Berg River, in the small fishing village of Velddrif on the West Coast of South Africa, for over two decades now. In wintertime, she often wanders through the veld in the mist, thus encountering much spectral imagery. An academic editor and book reviewer and indexer, she welcomes contact via LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/in/lois-courtenay-henderson/?originalSubdomain=za), Twitter (@LoisCHenderson) and/or Facebook (facebook.com/Lokeyanna/)
Dave Mercel’s published works include “Demon Afternoon” and “Little Cockroach God Little Cockroach Country”. He lives in Toronto, Ontario, Canada possibly going slowly insane reading short stories over and over again.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/zippo.dogs.publishing
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/davemercel/
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/15975668.Dave_Mercel
Day 24: Mt. Hiei
Kathryn Hemmann is a writer, translator, and comic artist who lives at the center of a maze of bookshelves in Philadelphia. Their work explores modern ruins, hidden mysteries, and the gentle horrors of everyday life. They go by @kathrynthehuman on Twitter, and they curate a small museum of monsters and flowers on their website, DigitalFantasyDiary.com.
Day 25: Time is Come
Made in '93, Tejaswinee Roychowdhury is a lawyer with a Master's degree in Business Law from the Department of Law, University of Calcutta. She resides in the city of Chandannagar in West Bengal, India. Tejaswinee often finds catharsis through the written word, but mostly she spends half the day daydreaming and imagining stuff, and she loves writing across genres. She also dabbles in the occasional poetry. Music is her drug, travel brings her peace, and solitude is her therapy. Her socials are: Twitter - @TejaswineeRC, Instagram - @tejaswineeroychowdhury
Day 26: The Hunter's Wife
A Tokyo resident since 2006, Anglo-Irish writer Andi Brooks is co-author of the critically acclaimed biographyVampire Over London: Bela Lugosi in Britain, curator of The Bela Lugosi Blog and a recipient of a Rondo Hatton Classic Horror Award for his article on the love affair between Bela Lugosi and Clara Bow, Dracula and the It Girl. Since moving to Japan, he has become immersed in the world of yūrei and yōkai. His collection of original Japanese Ghost stories, Ghostly Tales of Japan, was published in 2020. He is currently writing a second volume of ghostly Japanese tales.
Ghostly Tales of Japan: Amazon: https://amzn.to/3xp1o2T
Vampire Over London: Bela Lugosi in Britain: http://www.cultmoviespress.com/vampire-over-london/
Bela Lugosi Blog: https://beladraculalugosi.wordpress.com/
Day 27: Catacombs of the Doomed
Go to day 5 to see Steve Carr's bio.
Day 28: Waldeinsamkeit
Chitra Gopalakrishnan, a New Delhi-based journalist and a social development communications consultant, uses her ardor for writing, wing to wing, to break firewalls between nonfiction and fiction, narratology and psychoanalysis, marginalia and manuscript and tree-ism and capitalism. Website: www.chitragopalakrishnan.com
Day 29: The First and Last
Cathy MacKenzie lives in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. Her writings can be found in numerous print and online publications. She has also published several short story collections, books of poetry, and children’s picture books. She writes all genres but invariably veers toward the dark—so much so that her late mother once asked her, “Can’t you write anything happy?” She published her first novel, Wolves Don’t Knock, in 2018, and Mister Wolfe (the darkly dark second in the series) in 2020. My Brother, the Wolf, the final volume, will be available in 2022/2023. (This is a standalone series.) Cathy also edits, formats, and publishes other authors' writings. Contact her at: www.writingwicket.wordpress.com
Day 30: Sepulcher of Shame and Inner Monster
Sepulcher of Shame: Maggie D Brace, a life-long denizen of Maryland, teacher, gardener, basketball player and author attended St. Mary's College, where she met her soulmate, and Loyola University, Maryland. She has written 'Tis Himself: The Tale of Finn MacCool and Grammy's Glasses, and has multiple short works and poems in various anthologies. She remains a humble scrivener and avid reader.
Inner Monster: See Day 1 for Linda Gould's bio
Day 31: The Raven
by Edgar Allan Poe
Day 32: The Countdown
Timothy Law is a writer of fantasy, horror, detective and general fiction from a little town in Southern Australia called Murray Bridge. Currently working at the Murray Bridge Library in the role of Library Manager he has dreamed since high school of becoming a fulltime author. His stories can be found at http://somecallmetimmy.blogspot.com.au/ and on other platforms. He is extremely excited about being a part of the Kaidankai project. This will be his first story that will be published simultaneously in both text and audio.
Day 33: Bhoot Bangla
Snigdha Agrawal is Bengali born and resides in Bangalore, India. She is extensively published and writes in all genres of poetry, prose, short stories, travelogues and hotel/restaurant reviews. Raised and educated in a cosmopolitan environment, with exposure to Eastern and Western cultures, her writing reflects a balanced outlook on life. Her family and extended family live in the USA. Educated in Loreto Convents (B.A. Honours, MBA in marketing) she has over two decades of corporate experience.
Day 34: Emilia's Rainbow
Michael Rhys is a Tokyo-based voice actor and writer of short tales. Originally from Esssex, in the UK, he is a 33-year resident of Japan. He lives in the deeply historical Jindaiji motomachi region area of Chofu, a few minutes from the ancient Jindaiji temple and under the shadow of the ghost of Jindaiji Castle. This area is filled with Yokai and ghosts of many eras. The weight of history can be felt here, which he suspects is why he feels at home, there. Oh, and his house is opposite a graveyard; no surprise there. Find more work by Rhys at http://www.rhys.exposed.
Day 35: Setsubun
See Day 1 for Linda Gould's bio.
Day 36: Simon Grey and the Yamamba
Charles Kowalski is an award-winning author for his book Simon Grey and the March of a Hundred Ghosts. It's a great book for anyone interested in the ghostly side of Japan. Especially young readers.
Day 37: The Girl With White Hair
Jill Trade is a pseudonym. The author got her name because she is a Jill of all trades, skilled in meat cutting, hair cutting and finance. She is mom to three boys, is a published poet, and has recently taken up fiction.
Day 38: Purple Hair
Timothy Law is a writer of fantasy, horror, detective and general fiction from a little town in Southern Australia called Murray Bridge. Currently working at the Murray Bridge Library in the role of Library Manager he has dreamed since high school of becoming a fulltime author. His stories can be found at http://somecallmetimmy.blogspot.com.au/ and on other platforms. He is extremely excited about being a part of the Kaidankai project.
Day 39: Raikou and the Shi-ten Doji
Ed Ahern resumed writing after forty odd years in foreign intelligence and international sales. He’s had over three hundred stories and poems published so far, and six books. Ed works the other side of writing at Bewildering Stories, where he sits on the review board and manages a posse of six review editors.
Day 40: The Pilgrim's Tale
A Tokyo resident since 2006, Anglo-Irish writer Andi Brooks is co-author of the critically acclaimed biography Vampire Over London: Bela Lugosi in Britain, curator of The Bela Lugosi Blog and a recipient of a Rondo Hatton Classic Horror Award for his article on the love affair between Bela Lugosi and Clara Bow, Dracula and the It Girl.
Since moving to Japan, he has become immersed in the world of yūrei and yōkai. His collection of original Japanese Ghost stories, Ghostly Tales of Japan, was published in 2020. He is currently writing a second volume of ghostly Japanese tales.
Ghostly Tales of Japan: Amazon: https://amzn.to/3xp1o2T
Vampire Over London: Bela Lugosi in Britain: http://www.cultmoviespress.com/vampire-over-london/
Bela Lugosi Blog: https://beladraculalugosi.wordpress.com/
Day 41: What's Behind The Door
Mark Tulin is a former family therapist who lives in Palm Springs, California, with his wife, Alice. He is a Pushcart Prize nominee and has authored four books of poetry and a short story collection available at Amazon and other fine book dealers. Mark’s work has appeared in over a hundred small-press, national, and international publications. To find out more about his writing, visit his blog at https://www.crowonthewire.com
Day 42: Reflections on 9/11
Linda A. Gould is the host of Kaidankai and editor of White Enso. She is an on-again, off-again writer of fiction, non-fiction, science fiction and ghost stories. Facebook: Japanese Ghost Stories, Twitter: @Ghost Japan and @WhiteEnso
Day 43: Something Borrowed, Something Blue
Brianna Williams is a writer, poet, and ghost story enthusiast. She also writes fantasy, romance, and slice-of-life, as well as commissioned short stories. You can contact her at [email protected].
Day 44: Cat Scratch Fever
Linn Woodard is retired and living in Wisconsin. Although not a professional writer, she began recording her personal thoughts in a daily diary in fifth grade. As an adult she wrote a weekly column for a small newspaper in New Castle, Delaware called “Personal Glimpses,” where she could share her random comments with a wider readership. She now writes a blog “Personal Glimpses…Musings from Milwaukee” as a way to satisfy the continuing need to put thoughts to paper….and sometimes, just sometimes, a dream becomes a blog entry.
Day 45: The Komaba Crows
Ghiselle Camacho is a wannabe Renaissance woman who diddles with anything her muses collide into. She is an actor, writer, poet, gardener, chef, photographer and visual artist. She's a third-culture Filipino-Canadian living in Japan with her Canadian husband and Japan-born Canadian children. You can see a video of Komaba Crows at https://youtu.be/Jvk327DVUDM. The video shows the location of the stadium and the corner where the trees were cut.
Day 46: Hellhound
Made in '93, Tejaswinee Roychowdhury is a lawyer with a Master's degree in Business Laws from the Department of Law, University of Calcutta. She resides in the city of Chandannagar in West Bengal, India. Tejaswinee often finds catharsis through the written word, but mostly she spends half the day daydreaming and imagining stuff, and she loves writing across genres. She also dabbles in the occasional poetry. Music is her drug, travel brings her peace, and solitude is her therapy. Her socials are: Twitter - @TejaswineeRC & Instagram - @tejaswineeroychowdhury
Day 47: Lepidopterophobia
Sam Kaufman is a writer from Connecticut. She started avidly writing in her sophomore year of high school doing both novels and short stories. She mostly writes dystopian tales but occasionally slips into fantasy as it is her favorite genre to read. This flash fiction is her first dip into the genre of horror.
Day 48: The Murder of Crows
Michael Rhys is a Tokyo-based voice actor and writer of short tales. Originally from Esssex, in the UK, he is a 33-year resident of Japan. He lives in the deeply historical Jindaiji Motomachi region area of Chofu, a few minutes from the ancient Jindaiji temple and under the shadow of the ghost of Jindaiji Castle. This area is filled with Yokai and ghosts of many eras. The weight of history can be felt here, which he suspects is why he feels at home, there. Oh, and his house is opposite a graveyard; no surprise there. Find more work by Rhys at http://www.rhys.exposed.
Day 49: The Party Downstairs
John Shea is a technical writer with a B.S. in Communications from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, and an M.F.A. in Motion Picture and Television Production from the University of Southern California. He is extensively travelled and has been known to babble in French, Spanish, German, Russian, and Japanese. He dabbles in wordplay, palindromes, and is a part-time cruciverbalist and punster. He lives in the Dallas Fort Worth with his wife (a schoolteacher), two dogs of different age and disposition (exuberant and shyly playful), and a lawn that needs constant mowing, during which he contemplates plot lines and story ideas.8
Day 50: Onna
Jen Forte is a freelance writer from the southern United States. She has also lived in London and spent time in Tokyo. Her cat's name is Albert Camus. https://www.instagram.com/jenfortestories/
Handle: @jenfortestories
Day 51: Facing Demons
Lauren Scharf has lived in Japan off and on since 1990. She's currently renovating a Meiji-era farmhouse on the Noto Peninsula with her husband and several mostly useless cats while waiting for the world to reopen so she can get back to traveling and consulting around Japan and arranging private tours for inbound visitors.
Day 52: Resurrection Mary
Michael Lee Johnson has been writing poetry since 1968. He likes animals (sometimes more than people) and uses poetry as both therapy and enjoyment. He has experience as a social worker, advertising and marketing executive and small business owner. He has been nominated for the Pushcart Prize and Best of the Net.
Day 53: The Well
A Tokyo resident since 2006, Anglo-Irish writer Andi Brooks is co-author of the critically acclaimed biographyVampire Over London: Bela Lugosi in Britain, curator of The Bela Lugosi Blog and a recipient of a Rondo Hatton Classic Horror Award for his article on the love affair between Bela Lugosi and Clara Bow, Dracula and the It Girl. Since moving to Japan, he has become immersed in the world of yūrei and yōkai. His collection of original Japanese Ghost stories, Ghostly Tales of Japan, was published in 2020. He is currently writing a second volume of ghostly Japanese tales.
Ghostly Tales of Japan: Amazon: https://amzn.to/3xp1o2T
Vampire Over London: Bela Lugosi in Britain: http://www.cultmoviespress.com/vampire-over-london/
Bela Lugosi Blog: https://beladraculalugosi.wordpress.com/
Day 54: The Phantom Hitchhiker
Dawn DeBraal lives in rural Wisconsin with her husband Red, two rescue dogs, and a stray cat. Dawn has published over 400 stories in many online magazines and anthologies, including Spillwords, Potato Soup Journal, Zimbell House Publishing, Black Hare Press, Clarendon House, Blood Song Books, Cafelit, Reanimated Writers, The World of Myth, Dastaan World, Vamp Cat, Runcible Spoon, Siren’s Call, Setu Magazine, Kandisha Press, Terror House Magazine, D & T Publishing, Sammie Sands, Iron Horse Publishing, Impspired Magazine, Black Ink Fiction and many others. She was the Falling Star Magazine’s 2019 Pushcart nominee.
Day 55: The Fireman's Wife
Margaret Pearce was I was a sickly child and an omnivorous reader which made for a harmonious and pleasant substitute for most of the schools she was supposed to attend. Her love of fantasy started at seven years of age when all magazines with lurid covers kept getting snatched away.
She took to writing instead of drink when raising children, who were embarrassed when she became a published author. She completed an Arts Degree at Monash University as a mature age student, and has published children's and teenage novels in print and ebooks as listed on Amazon, Book Depository, Kindle, writers-exchange.com
Her last book, NOT MENTIONING ANY NAMES, was published by Ginninderra Press.She can be found on the internet as margaretpearce .
Day 56: On Frames & Framers: Spirits Linger in Pens & Penn Once Upon a _Nation_
_20_ reasons why (& places where) spirits linger (in haunts of many/a/on nation(s))
Jen Schneider is an educator who lives, writes, and works in small spaces throughout Pennsylvania. She is a Best of the Net nominee, with stories, poems, and essays published in a wide variety of literary and scholarly journals. She is the author of Invisible Ink (pre-order at Toho Pub), On Daily Puzzles: (Un)locking Invisibility (forthcoming, Moonstone Press), and Blindfolds, Bruises, and Breakups (forthcoming, Atmosphere Press).
Day 57: The Sparrow's Inn
Linda A. Gould is the host of Kaidankai and editor of White Enso. She is an on-again, off-again writer of fiction, non-fiction, science fiction and ghost stories. Facebook: Japanese Ghost Stories, Twitter: @Ghost Japan and @WhiteEnso
Day 58: Under A Pale Moon and The Mulliwonk
Mark Meyer submitted the haibun poem about the kappa. He is a septuagenarian artist, writer, & former research biologist who resides in the middle of a lake in Washington State. He enjoys a great fondness for dogs, guitars, & scotch. His artwork & poetry have somehow managed to get around here and there.
Tim Law submitted the poem The Mulliwonk. Timothy Law is a writer of fantasy, horror, detective and general fiction from a little town in Southern Australia called Murray Bridge. Currently working at the Murray Bridge Library in the role of Library Manager he has dreamed since high school of becoming a fulltime author. His stories can be found at http://somecallmetimmy.blogspot.com.au/ and on other platforms.
Day 59: Wind Soup
Donald Guadagni is an international educator, author, and writer currently teaching and conducting research in Beijing China. His publication work includes fiction, non-fiction, poetry, prose, academic, photography and his artwork. Former iterations, military, law enforcement, prisons, engineering, and wayward son. https://www.facebook.com/donald.guadagni.98/ twitter @GuadagniDonald
Day 60: The Death Drums
Linda Sparks is an author and poet, published 19 books and published in numerous anthologies. Served as Editor for Valkyrie Magazine. My favorite genres are horror and science fiction. Some of my titles: The Goblin Hour, The Scent of Ghosts and Magic, The Ghosts of Space, and The Hour of the Witch will soon be published. Author page: Linda Sparks Author Facebook. Amazon author page: https://www:amazon.com/Linda-Sparks/e/B06XYTYPXY.
Day 61: Two Native American Legends
From the amazing website: https://www.firstpeople.us
Day 62: This Dust Between Us
Richard M. Ankers is the English author of The Eternals dark fantasy series. Richard has featured in Expanded Field Journal, Love Letters To Poe, After The Pause and feels privileged to have appeared in many more. Richard lives to write. Website: richardankers.com. Twitter: @Richard_Ankers
Day 63: On Dreams, Turnips, and Falling Out of Tune
Jen Schneider is an educator who lives, writes, and works in small spaces throughout Pennsylvania. She is a Best of the Net nominee, with stories, poems, and essays published in a wide variety of literary and scholarly journals. She is the author of Invisible Ink (pre-order at Toho Pub), On Daily Puzzles: (Un)locking Invisibility (forthcoming, Moonstone Press), and Blindfolds, Bruises, and Breakups (forthcoming, Atmosphere Press).
Day 64: The Ghost in the Mirror
J.B. Cross is a lover of horror, science fiction, and fantasy. He lives in Maryland, USA with his wife and two children.
Day 65: Ghost-Shadow
Melissa Miles was born in the US, but resides in NZ. She has had many professional iterations, acting, teaching, film-making, but she is now focusing on her writing, and caring for her aging menagerie.
Day 66: The Red Ball
Ghiselle Camacho is a wannabe Renaissance woman and diddles with anything her muses collide into. She is an actor, writer, poet, gardener, chef, photographer and visual artist. She's a third-culture Filipino-Canadian living in Japan with her Canadian husband and Japan-born Canadian children."
Day 67: The Daily Special
Sandra D. Simmer likes to write short stories and memoirs of her childhood adventures on her family’s Southwest Colorado ranch. To enhance her skills as a budding author, she is a member of two writing groups in the Bay Area. She has placed as a finalist in several local writing contests. Sandra’s memoirs and short stories are published in the Northern California Publishers and Authors (NCPA) anthologies Destination: the World Volumes I & II, and All Holidays 2020. Three of her poems have been published in anthologies by Wingless Dreamer. Sandra is currently writing her first novel. She can be contacted by e-mail at [email protected].
Day 68: The Lonely Man's Companion
Daniel C. De Guzman is a writer from the Philippines. Most of his work revolves around the folklore creatures from his native country but he also enjoys writing speculative fiction and horror. His first anthology "Painting the Darkness" and poem collection "Beautiful Blasphemy" are available at Smashwords.com.
Website links: https://www.smashwords.com/profile/view/Dan1994
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/d.deguzman22
Day 69: The Landlord's Girlfriend
Lorna O’Connell is a London based poet and writer who explores themes of displacement and confusion; reality and illusion. Her characters often find themselves in worlds and situations they don't understand... Her work has been published in such anthologies as South Bank Poetry, Carefree Kids and Pen to Print and I often contribute to poetry magazines. In lockdown, she became obsessed with the colour yellow, raspberries, and Studio Ghibli.
Day 70: Three works of flash fiction
Story 1: Pretty much as everything he does, Hervé Suys (°1968 - Ronse, Belgium) writes short stories to impress wife, kids and closest friends. He started writing whilst recovering from a sports injury. He prefers to write them hatless and barefooted. Follow all his moves on hervesuys.org or @HerveSuys.
Michael Fineran studied broadcasting and journalism at Stonehill College, before earning his Master’s in English from Salem State University. He has taught high school English for the past two decades in the Greater Boston area, where he lives and writes.
Story 3: John Lane’s fiction has appeared in Black Hare Press, Ghost Orchid Press, Black Ink Fiction, Crow’s Feet Journal, Six Sentences, The Disappointed Housewife and other venues. His essays also appeared in Morbidly Beautiful, Celestial Toyroom and Pure Slush. In 2020, John’s story, “Dimension Traveler,” tied for Rejected Manuscripts’ third most voted entry out of 130 stories. Reader for Black Hare Press and Freeze Frame Fiction. Member of the Horror Writers Association. Army and National Guard veteran.
Day 71: The Bishop and the Angel
Michael Rhys is a Tokyo-based voice actor and writer of short tales. Originally from Esssex, in the UK, he is a 33-year resident of Japan. He lives in the deeply historical Jindaiji Motomachi region area of Chofu, a few minutes from the ancient Jindaiji temple and under the shadow of the ghost of Jindaiji Castle. This area is filled with Yokai and ghosts of many eras. The weight of history can be felt here, which he suspects is why he feels at home, there. Oh, and his house is opposite a graveyard; no surprise there. Find more work by Rhys at http://www.rhys.exposed.
Day 72: The Yellow Wallpaper
Charlotte Perkins Gilman was a utopian feminist who served as a role model for future generations of feminists. She was inducted into the National Women's Hall of Fame, and her story The Yellow Wallpaper is a semi-autobiographical account of her postpartum depression.
Find out more about Gilman: https://www.biography.com/writer/charlotte-perkins-gilman
Day 73: Hell Hath No Fury
Margaret Pearce was I was a sickly child and an omnivorous reader which made for a harmonious and pleasant substitute for most of the schools she was supposed to attend. Her love of fantasy started at seven years of age when all magazines with lurid covers kept getting snatched away.
She took to writing instead of drink when raising children, who were embarrassed when she became a published author. She completed an Arts Degree at Monash University as a mature age student, and has published children's and teenage novels in print and ebooks as listed on Amazon, Book Depository, Kindle, writers-exchange.com
Her last book, NOT MENTIONING ANY NAMES, was published by Ginninderra Press.She can be found on the internet as margaretpearce .
Day 74: The Uninvited
Phillip Frey's history includes professional actor, produced screenwriter and writer/director of three short films, one of which showed at the New York Film Festival. He is now devoted only to writing prose. He currently has the privilege of his short stories appearing in various literary journals and anthologies. Twitter: @phillipkafka. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/authorphillipfrey
Day 75: The Closet Horror
Lynette G. Esposito, MA Rutgers, is a poet who writes short stories. She has been published in North of Oxford, Twin Decades, Poetry Quarterly, The Philadelphia Inquirer, Deep Overstock, That Literary Review, and others. She was married to Attilio Esposito and lives in Southern New Jersey. She was inspired for this story by her love of beautiful shoes and why they sometimes torture the feet.
Day 76: Ghost Writer
Renata Pavrey is a nutritionist and Pilates teacher, and an award-winning essayist and poet, who also dons the hats of marathon runner and Odissi dancer. She writes both fiction and non-fiction, poetry and prose, across a range of subjects and genres. Her stories, essays, poetry, performance pieces and artwork have been published in books, journals and magazines. You can find her @tomes_and_tales on Instagram, at https://medium.com/@reneemarianne7 on Medium, and on her blog www.tomesandtales365.wordpress.com
Day 77: Unshapely Friends
Snigdha Agrawal is Bengali born and resides in Bangalore, India. She is extensively published and writes in all genres of poetry, prose, short stories, travelogues and hotel/restaurant reviews. Raised and educated in a cosmopolitan environment, with exposure to Eastern and Western cultures, her writing reflects a balanced outlook on life. Her family and extended family live in the USA. Educated in Loreto Convents (B.A. Honours, MBA in marketing) she has over two decades of corporate experience.
Day 78: Becoming and Four Poems
Enne Tesse is an artist creating sculptures, installations and works on paper using fabric and text. Her stories originate from and reflect her own hand-stitched garment inspired works and fabric objects. She has exhibited her work in museums and galleries in the US and Japan including MoMA/PS1 NY, MOMAK Kyoto, and MOT Tokyo. Recent exhibitions include "Unusual Threads", Southern Vermont Arts Center, Manchester, VT; "Art Stands Still", Collar Works, Troy, NY; "Time Travelers", Samuel Dorsky Museum of Art, SUNY New Paltz. She lives and works in Beacon, NY.
Instagram: ennetesse. Website: https://ennetesse.wixsite.com/works
Gwyn Helverson is an academic, a writer, and an artist who has lived for decades in Japan, where one of her many joys is learning more every day about how little she actually knows!
Day 79: Driving Me Mad
Jen Mierisch's dream job is to write Twilight Zone episodes, but until then, she's a website administrator by day and a writer of odd stories by night. Jen's work can be found in Horla, Dark Moments, HAVOK, and various horror anthologies. Jen can be found haunting her local library just outside Chicago, USA. Read more at http://www.jenmierisch.com or on Twitter @JenMierisch.
Snigdha Agrawal is Bengali born and resides in Bangalore, India. She is extensively published and writes in all genres of poetry, prose, short stories, travelogues and hotel/restaurant reviews. Raised and educated in a cosmopolitan environment, with exposure to Eastern and Western cultures, her writing reflects a balanced outlook on life. Her family and extended family live in the USA. Educated in Loreto Convents (B.A. Honours, MBA in marketing) she has over two decades of corporate experience.
Day 80: Hoichi the Earless
Hengtee Lim writes stories that look to capture the snippets of loneliness and connection that weave through the city of Tokyo. You can find more of his work at snippetsbooks.com or drop him a line at @hent03 on Twitter.
Day 81: Glint of Silver
A.E. Jackson lives in Delaware, and writes uncanny speculative fiction. He is married with two children, and believes there are malevolent forces, just below the surface, tugging us all down. He knows another force, more benevolent than we deserve, works to keep us buoyant. He reads Ray Bradbury, Shirley Jackson, Roald Dahl, Stephen King, Paulo Coelho, Richard Matheson, H.P. Lovecraft, and Richard Bach.
Day 82: The Masque of the Red Death
To learn more about Edgar Allen Poe, visit the online museum dedicated to his life and career.
Day 83: Yuki-Onna and The Snow Ghost
Learn more about Lafcadio Hearn at the Lafcadio Hearn Memorial Museum and this article in The Paris Review.
Linda A. Gould is the host of Kaidankai and editor of White Enso. She is an on-again, off-again writer of fiction, non-fiction, science fiction and ghost stories. Facebook: Japanese Ghost Stories, Twitter: @Ghost Japan and @WhiteEnso
Day 84: The Magic Shop
Learn more about HG Wells at https://www.thoughtco.com/hg-wells-biography-4158307
Day 85: The Canterville Ghost
Learn about Oscar Wilde's amazing life at: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oscar_Wilde
Day 86: Cinderella and Rapunzel
Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm spent most of their childhood in the town of Steinau., Germany Their father's death in 1796 impoverished the family and affected the brothers for many years after. They attended the University of Marburg where they began a lifelong dedication to research the early history of German language and literature, including German folktales.
Day 87: The Tinder Box
Hans Christian Andersen was a prolific writer from Denmark, famous for such stories as The Little Mermaid, The Emperor's New Clothes and The Ugly Duckling. Learn more about his fascinating life at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hans_Christian_Andersen.
Day 88: Fire Red, Acorn Brown
Joshua St. Claire is a certified public accountant who works as a financial controller for a small company in Pennsylvania, USA. He is married and the father of three growing boys. His poetry is published by or forthcoming from Star*Line , Scifaikuest, The Flying Saucer Poetry Review, The Starlight Scifaiku Review, Failed Haiku: a Journal of English Senryu, and Wales Haiku Journal.
Day 89: Jesse
Linda Sparks is an author and poet. She has published 19 books and been published in numerous anthologies. She served as Editor for Valkyrie Magazine. Her favorite genres are horror and science fiction. A few titles of her work: The Goblin Hour, The Scent of Ghosts and Magic, The Ghosts of Space. The Hour of the Witch will soon be published.
You can find her at: Linda Sparks Author Facebook and her Amazon author page: https://www:amazon.com/Linda-Sparks/e/B06XYTYPXY.
Day 90: Felicity at Christmas Eve
J. L. Short lives with his family near Philadelphia and as near as he can tell there are no ghosts living in the house. On the other hand, he is continually harassed by two hounds and two cats. He enjoys reading and writing about history and the supernatural, not necessarily in that order.
Day 91: The Grimoire
Michael Rhys is a Tokyo-based voice actor and writer of short tales. Originally from Esssex, in the UK, he is a 33-year resident of Japan. He lives in the deeply historical Jindaiji motomachi region area of Chofu, a few minutes from the ancient Jindaiji temple and under the shadow of the ghost of Jindaiji Castle. This area is filled with Yokai and ghosts of many eras. The weight of history can be felt here, which he suspects is why he feels at home, there. Oh, and his house is opposite a graveyard; no surprise there. Find more work by Rhys at http://www.rhys.exposed.
Day 92: The Enso
Linda A. Gould is the host of Kaidankai and editor of White Enso. She is an on-again, off-again writer of fiction, non-fiction, science fiction and ghost stories. Facebook: Japanese Ghost Stories, Twitter: @Ghost Japan and @WhiteEnso
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